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A dying dilemma

Leaving home to join the Navy was emotional for me. I was leaving forever my previous life and beginning a new phase. A challenge was before me that I must face so I could continue to grow.

Entering nuclear power school was scary. But I knew I couldn’t allow myself to fail. I had to meet the challenge to avoid the shame, for one, and also to continue to grow.

I felt the same when I went to the fleet.

And when I left the Navy for the “real world.”

When I broke my back and was temporarily paralyzed from the waist down, I simply bulled through and got back to my feet – and dealt with the permanent consequences so I could continue to grow.

When, having fallen prey to a con man, I purchased a broken-down house to move to a five-acre lot, I put my shoulder to the wheel and got through, to continue my growth.

Now, faced with a dying body, I once again face a major challenge.

But, for what?

I haven’t yet figured that out.

More reflections

If we valued every person

‘Your one wild and precious life’

‘You’ll do the eulogy’

Thoughts on a snail

Continuous lines

I wonder what would happen

We'll come to you!

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One Comment

  1. Darlene Olivo Darlene Olivo

    I’m so sorry, Wayne. May angels guide your path.

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