It’s Christmas morning, early, and today’s 30-Second Read remains unwritten.
That’s perhaps due to a lack of discipline. We publish every second day, so the calendar has beckoned for weeks. I wrote last year’s Christmas essay days before, which now seems a rebuke.
But a want of discipline? No. I’ve pondered for hours – on daily walks, during the long holiday drive, at night when sleep has gone.
Golly, I seldom don’t have something. I’ve long viewed writing as more discipline than magic – the child of effort, not of inspiration.
Last Christmas, at the end of a grim year, I wrote about the day as anticipation. The virus gripped us, but vaccinations were at hand. Our release was near.
I reread that column just now. So, so naïve. Dammit.
It’s down to this runt of a thought. A baby is the perfect vessel for all that we think of as Christmas – cute, non-threatening, a remonstrance against our individual mortality, and the most tangible embodiment of a future we can otherwise only guess at.
Bless the baby. Bless us all.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas from years past
2024: ‘This love’s for you’
2023: A Christmas wish and Memories for Christmas
2022: A toothbrush Christmas
2020: A Christmas blessing
You did it, Jeff. And well. What a lovely video to top it all off. Thank you and many blessings on your and your family.
Thank you!
Nice one, Jeff.
Babies seem to hold all of our hope.