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You’ll look grand in a colander

Lindsay Miller – religious fanatic or mad hatter?

You must remember her. She’s the sweet-faced, maybe a little looney-eyed Massachusetts driver who insisted on following her own fashion conscience. It was all about an essential life record:

The photo on her driver’s license.

Even today, clerks tell me: “We need a picture I. D.” They must have my identity.

Well, do I remember when my male peers had to carry draft cards. Some burned those identities to protest the Vietnam War. I even knew one guy who burned his library card to protest. Something.

Lindsay Miller, though, was not a burner. She just wanted to wear her symbol of abundant faith. But Massachusetts didn’t allow head coverings in driver’s license photos except for “religious reasons.”

She had one. She belonged to the freethinking Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarianism.” She wanted the right hat to celebrate her spiritual values.

She won her case.

The story’s also nearly seven years old – and I missed it until now.

But now I’m inspired. This is the classiest Easter bonnet I’ve ever seen.

Meet Lindsay Miller

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