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No such thing as mistakes?

I saw a social media post that said “your best teacher is your last mistake.”

You can never take for granted that a person will learn from a mistake.

Some people go as far as to philosophize that there is no such thing as a mistake.

A decision was made based on the information available, they say. At the time, they say, it was the right decision. Things may not have worked out as intended, they conclude, but that does not mean it was a mistake.

I tend to believe that the first person to engage in this line of thinking had mistakenly done something that resulted in a negative outcome.

People do, of course, make mistakes. Some are small and inconsequential. Others are huge, with devastating consequences.

Perception plays a role in assessing the seriousness of a mistake. A single typographical error in a 20-page paper may have little, if any, impact. While a typographical error in a resume submitted to a company offering your dream job could change the course of your life.

Life does not give mulligans.

Kids on mistakes

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