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Old-school charm?

Louie M’s restaurant has been a fixture for a century in the Vinton Street area of South Omaha.

Vinton’s an old ethnic neighborhood where Italians, Irish, Germans and Poles once jostled with sharp elbows.

The stockyards and railyards are close by, and in recent years, Vinton has seen an influx of Latino residents. Spanish shop signs are common there now.

Louie M’s serves inexpensive food until mid-afternoon. Its deep main dining area is lined with booths. Tables stretch down the middle. A smaller area by the kitchen includes a counter with seven round stools.

It’s a haven for Vinton’s blue-collar workers, many in sweatshirts, heavy boots, baseball caps and work gloves. Fox News is always on, although no one can hear it.

The place usually bustles with patrons, many for the morning’s coffee klatch. Anti-government rants and anti-immigrant raves are greeted with nods. But most of the customers are there simply to eat.

Today, a big man with an even bigger belly had on a t-shirt that read:

“There are but two parties now – traitors and patriots.”

Such precision frightens.

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