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How to turn red lights instantly green

U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama said “white nationalists” – who think white people are superior to others and should be in charge – hold “a few probably different beliefs” but aren’t racist.

That got us thinking. What other contradictions can we imagine and then explain away simply by believing differently? Examples:

Jeffrey Dahmer, who killed and dismembered 17 men and ate some of them, was not a cannibal. He held different beliefs about meats.

The Houston Texans and Chicago Bears tied last year for worst team in the NFL with three wins but are not losers. They held different beliefs about winning.

Summer’s been miserably hot (and, where I live, miserably humid) but isn’t miserable at all. Believing the weather is different will make it sunny and 70.

Nighttime doesn’t bring darkness – if you hold different beliefs about night and light.

You don’t need to stop at red traffic lights. If you believe differently, red can be green and you can go.

There are no racists or bigots, except maybe in reverse against whites. Believing has made it so. Tommy says.

More people behaving badly

He had signaled hate

Anesthesia of denial

Bleating silence

Words to slide around the truth

Tommy talks

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  1. Steve Doyle Steve Doyle

    Kaitlan Collins wiped the floor with old Tommy Tubs, leaving him flushed with anything but success. Wow.

    • Yup. So much so that he had to walk it back.

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