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Department of Dimwittery

Every scrap of today’s yarn is true. Its source spoke to 30-Second Read anonymously to avoid reassignment to the Department of Dimwittery.

But trust us. We know the source. He wears our chief writer’s socks and undies daily.

Our source teaches journalism at a major university, where most other instructors are scholars of eminence.

And where, as at every college in the land, professors must teach remotely. That damn coronavirus.

Remote instruction requires using Zoom, the communications software that only months ago was a niche tool for corporate cubicles and corner offices. Now it’s everywhere, both dream tool and source of nightmares.

But Zoom is easy compared to the sometimes erratic wifi and the finicky classroom cameras and speakers.

And, significantly for our tale, to the wireless microphones that professors wear to be heard by students attending via Zoom.

Now comes the good bit. Our source – still in our chief writer’s undies and socks – attached his mic Wednesday. Seventy-five minutes into the two-hour session, he assigned an in-class writing exercise. He then excused himself to pee.

Without muting the mic.

Zoom oopsies

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