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What I believe

Fourth in a series. Want to add your essay to this series?

I believe that happiness, contentment and peace of mind are possible if I seek to control only those things that are within my power – my judgments, desires and attitudes – and to ignore those things over which I have no power.

I believe that every being has inherent worth and dignity and that I am charged with extending love to everyone within the worldwide beloved community except those who refuse to respect my personal boundaries.

I believe in being kind to everyone, knowing they will remember me not for my words or deeds, but for how I made them feel. I believe death will judge me only by the number of burdens I have helped others to bear.

I believe that my privileged circumstances require me to give freely of my time, talents and spirit, including extending the most generous interpretation possible to the intentions, words and actions of others.

Though I know I will repeatedly fail to live up to this covenant of beliefs, I believe that I can make amends and strive to begin again and again in love.

More in this series


WHAT I BELIEVE: Thomas Gunning


WHAT I BELIEVE: Ten more writers on what they believe

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One Comment

  1. Nancy Nancy

    Donna, I loved it!

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