I sometimes persuade myself that I can fix car problems. As when I changed a $5 headlight bulb. The mechanic charged $200 to fix my mess.
Yes, I’m a fix-it idiot. A fixidiot.
My latest caper started Saturday after a meeting away from home. My car wouldn’t start.
“Ah,” I said. “Needs a battery.”
“Nope,” the technician said when he arrived. “Your battery leads are loose.”
He tightened two nuts and said start ’er up. He was right.
“You do need a new battery hold-down bracket,” he said. “Get one at AutoZone. Easy-peasy.”
Hardy har hardsy.
The store offered four bracket options. I bought one Sunday.
“Just need a wrench,” I thought.
Back home, out came the wrench – and two pliers, two flashlights, a bucket of nuts and bolts, wire cutter, razor knife and vise. Then back to the store for, of course, the correct bracket. The 10-minute job cost an hour and three gawd dammits.
Now the motorcycle needs fixing. The replacement part is out of stock due to “the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.”
Stopped by the pandemic. A blessing.
Cars and driving at 30-Second Read
‘I’m Goldie. May I borrow your car?’