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Take me to Curmudgeon Jail

Another in an occasional series about irritating drivers.

The second most flouted traffic rule is the one requiring drivers to signal turns.

The most flouted rule, of course, is speed limits. I usually flout ’em myself – by 5 mph and sometimes more. Go for it, I say.

But turn signals? No, no, no. And no.

Why can’t more motorists exert the infinitesimally tiny effort to flick the turn-signal stalk?

Yes, I sound like a grumpy crank.

Guilty! Take me to Curmudgeon County Jail.

In my state, the law says “signal shall be given continuously during not less than the last one hundred (100) feet traveled by the vehicle before turning.”

I’m no lawyer. But “shall” sounds non-negotiable. Like Mom years ago: “Sonny,” she’d say, her tone implying the “shall” and much worse. “Not another word from you until you’ve taken out that trash.”

Today, I faced another car across a complicated intersection. The motorist blinked – once – which was nice. But why only once? Why flick the stalk on, then off? I might have missed the blink.

Especially if engaged in that other driver habit: staring at my phone.

More car rants

Front-in parkers unite

I also curse alone in the car

A fixidiot succeeds, with difficulty

Curses for you, Mary Anderson

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  1. Darlene Olivo Darlene Olivo

    A riot!!! Thanks, Jeff. I am an inveterate turn-signaler. That said, I have been guilty of the “old lady w/o her hearing aids who doesn’t hear the click-click until a long time after I’ve made the designated turn. But, then, that’s a whole other kettle of fish.

  2. Steven Doyle Steven Doyle

    I say speed limits and ages are two numbers that matter if someone else says they do. But turn signals….If ever I were to die in a road-rage incident, it would be because I was levering my hand to show some idiot that a turn signal is required. I have been known to flash my lights before starting my tutorial.

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