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I plan to make plans

One of our candidates for president said recently that he has “concepts of a plan” to improve national health care policy.

Translation: he has no concept, no plan, no clue.

But grant him grace. Because concepts are hard, plans even harder.

I offer myself as Exhibit No. 1. I have concepts of plans, too.

I don’t run and seldom have – and have concepts of a plan to run the Boston Marathon next year. I’ll see you there.

I’ve bought perhaps three lottery tickets in my life – and have concepts of a plan to achieve independent wealth soon by winning the Mega Millions lottery. Count on it.

I get irritable in bad traffic – and have concepts of a plan to end all traffic jams. You’ll thank me.

I sing in a passable baritone voice – and have concepts of a plan to master a soprano aria. You’ll love it.

Don’t doubt me. I conceive well and plan better.

Here’s proof: Each night around 10, I develop a concept about waking up tomorrow. And I then make a plan. I set an alarm.

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  1. Steve Doyle Steve Doyle

    I have a concept to create a plan to shoot 72 on my next round of golf.
    To do so, I simply stop playing on, like, Hole 15 or so.
    But it’s a concept that will lead to my achieving my goal.

  2. Darlene Olivo Darlene Olivo

    Fabulous. And speaking of concepts: from Tom Digby: I don’t think the Secret Service is up for the task at hand. It’s time to switch over to Thoughts and Prayers. And just in case, I think we should also post a copy of the Ten Commandments at all golf courses in the region.

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