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Lesser mysteries

Ah, life’s abundant mysteries. Some are grand and sublime and help us approach the meaning of life. Then there are these lesser mysteries, both imponderable and irritating.

Why do we say “pair of pants” – or jeans, slacks or shorts – when the apparel is a single item, unlike shoes and gloves, which earn their “pair of” honestly?

Why does the pull-tab on a frozen pizza box never work as intended? Our lifetime test of 732 boxes has shown that yanking the tab always peels back a thin outer layer of cardboard without separating the upper and lower flaps. Always.

Why have the digital wonders that save time at home also permitted businesses to foist their work onto us, thus gobbling the seconds and minutes and hours we’d hoped to save? As in, check and bag our groceries.

Why does the price of gas jump 5 cents or more when we delay filling up until later the same day, even by an hour?

Why do we get 10 or 12 of the same “last call” telemarketing calls flogging extended car warranties?


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Finally, someone tackles life’s big questions

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