The Reds and Blues in the U.S. Senate have found a common purpose. They voted – unanimously by voice vote – to end our twice-a-year change from standard to daylight saving time and back.
Oh, the tyranny of time. The loss of an hour’s sleep each March. The irritation of decoding microwave buttons to set a clock.
Senators approved the cleverly named Sunshine Protection Act. Perhaps too cleverly named. They surely know that even they can’t bring more sunshine to any 24 hours. They do know, right?
So, a suggestion for members of what once was the world’s grandest debating club. Don’t stop with time changes. And we bring recommendations.
Start by swapping weekends and weekdays and by setting the weekend as Wednesday-Sunday. Who wouldn’t dig five-day weekends?
Then, eliminate Mondays. It’s easily the worst day of any week. And with Monday gone, the work week shrinks to one day – Tuesday. Yay!
These changes are big. But y’all hugged so agreeably over time changes. We know you can do more.
’Tis guaranteed to aid your ambition to move into the White House.
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