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Free to think

Many years ago when our two sons were on the tail end of grade school, we always dropped the boys off at church at 10 o’clock for Sunday school. We then connected at 11 so we could go together to church.

One cold December morning we were waiting in the narthex for them when their Sunday school teacher made a beeline to us. My wife noticed she was terribly upset so asked her if there was a problem.

The teacher explained she’d had a terrible morning.

Since it was late in December, the class emphasis obviously was on Jesus’ birth. One of the students explained to his classmates, “A virgin birth is biologically impossible.” As you can imagine, the Sunday school teacher had her hands full attempting to right the ship.

And then the teacher pointed at us and said with disgust, “It was your son Jeffrey who turned the classroom up-side-down with his refusal to accept the virgin birth.”

We were s-o-o-o-o-o proud of Jeff! He refused to surrender his freedom to reason. He didn’t blindly swallow the magic.

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  1. Steve Doyle Steve Doyle

    So Jeff was a journalist, committed to facts over interpretation even at an early age. I’m sure he was forgiven.

    • Possibly true, Steve. I suspect a good dose of smart-aleckyness too.

  2. George Cranford George Cranford

    I love “Free to Think.” I am happy to see you are willing to take on Christan superstition. This had to be a huge black eye to the teacher and the class. …Hurrah! (pardon the slammer)

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