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Ode to dogs

I’ve sometimes silently mocked people who express their love of a dog. Sappy, I’d think. Silly. It’s just a dog!

My dog died last week.

Damn. I loved that dog.

So, a correction with a dose of eating crow: I’m no longer that condescending, unsentimental twit.

Dogs are the best.

Our dogs are wagging bundles of “Howdy! Howdy! Howdy!”

Damn I loved that dog.

They intuit our moods and adjust, ready to play or comfort depending on our need. Our need, because after food and shelter about all our dogs want is us. Undeserving us.

Dogs are the best.

Dogs don’t – can’t – hold a grudge. Harrumph at a dog? Seconds later, it’s sitting hopefully, tail ablur, expectant eyes communicating “I love you. Scratch my ears. Throw the ball!”

Damn I miss that dog.

While not genetically human, dogs certainly inhabit our homes and lives as if they were and exhibit for their flawed two-legged companions the better parts of human nature. If we humans behaved like dogs, we’d solve intractable world conflicts – with nothing but kindness.

Dogs are the best.

More on loss

‘You’ll do the eulogy’

A Beau blessing

Timeshares. Until they leave us

Memories to keep Mom with us

A gravestone for Dillard

For your loss

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