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The technology boondoggle

I’m amazed at modern technology.

I recently learned that Israel destroyed Iran’s highly technological air defense system with a single air strike.

So, what good is a highly technological air defense system?

We have a fighter jet, the F-35 Lightning II, with a speed of Mach 1.6. It is capable of a sustained vertical climb, propelling it into orbit.

What purpose does that serve?

Why can’t technology be more useful in our daily life?

How about a refrigerator that makes its own ham sandwiches and potato salad?

That would be useful.

Or perhaps a toaster that butters its own toast.

I’d buy one of those.

I was excited to have my first electric toothbrush, only to discover I used the same number of brush strokes as with the manual toothbrush.

I think I’ll invent the first power toenail clipper.

That should go over big.

I’ll be rich and famous, like Elon Musk with SpaceX.

…Nah, I don’t want to be famous.

But I would take the money.

Perhaps I’ll take it in Bitcoin. I have no idea what that is.

Tech tumbles

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Curses for you, Mary Anderson

A tech role model

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  1. Darlene H Olivo Darlene H Olivo


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