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A Tidy Bed of Hope

Hope has come to Weedy Gulch as it does every spring. It rolled in last week on a tsunami of expectation, and it felt good.

I refer to my garden. In years past, it has delivered joy and heartache – and always within a single growing season.

But in spring, there is only hope. It dims last year’s anguish. It bars all thought of the troubles to come.

So, high on hope, I visited a Lowe’s garden center. Hope had conspired with the weather to bring 70-ish temperatures and a cloudless sky to Louisiana even before 9 a.m.

I left 20 minutes later with bags of cow manure and garden soil – $69.88 worth of hope.

Back home, I pulled early weeds and yanked out roots from last season’s pepper and tomato plants. I emptied the bags and raked their promise of the bounties to come.

The result: a tidy bed of hope.

I’ll plant in a week, still scorning the coming causes of despair – aphids, hornworms, leaf-footed bugs, hungry opossums, excessive heat, my incompetence.

For it is spring. When hope wins.

More tales from Weedy Gulch

The Battle of Weedy Gulch

Chipmunk détente

Patio maître d’

Tomato eulogy

Hope and stubbornness

Stubborn meets crazy in the garden

The Case of the Crazy Bad Gardener

Another goofy gardener

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One Comment

  1. Darlene H Olivo Darlene H Olivo

    Totally! Great post, Jeff.

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