We wish 30-Second Read had all the answers. Alas, some of life’s questions are too big to yield to something as simple as an answer. So today, as we’ve done before, we catalog the imponderable.
Let’s eat! Why do frozen pizza and lasagna boxes say to let the dishes stand for several minutes after baking, when 13 people worldwide since the invention of processed foods have actually done so?
We can’t eat. Why are Goldfish crackers impossible to extract from the 30-ounce box? The milk carton-like folded top never – never! – opens cleanly.
Hose madness. Why do garden hoses always resist coiling, with loops alternately flopping neatly into place and then twisting in the other direction? So maddening for neatniks.
Motorist madness. Why can’t most folks see the fourth light on traffic signals that cues some drivers to continue turning left even as most others see red? And what color represents selfish stupidity?
Vax madness. Why do businesses post signs saying people vaccinated against Covid-19 may enter maskless? It’s as helpful as declaring that customers wearing undies may enter without pants.
More big questions
Finally, someone tackles life’s big questions