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The key to the Sound of Bliss

We bring a treat today for your ears, a sound so extraordinary as to justify the cost of a lifetime subscription to 30-Second Read. Just send your $500 now. You’ll want to in 25 seconds anyway.

“Sound” fails to describe the sensation you’re about to hear, just as fossils scarcely portray living dinosaurs.

Mozart himself would wilt at the sound. A discouraged Wolfgang, on hearing it at age 3, would have abandoned music altogether in envy at how it wraps the mind in an ecstasy of caressing melody.

Ah, the sound. To hear it but once is a torture of unrequited anticipation. To know how to make it yourself is to hold the key to the Sound of Bliss.

All you need are a quart Mason jar and – this is so very, incredibly important – a 38-ounce bag of peanut M&M’s. The big bag and peanut candies are key. Substitutes deliver mere noise, tinny and unsatisfying.

Now, pour the M&M’s into the jar. The candies cascade against the glass, creating a twinkling, pinging cadence cupped in reverberating echo.

Bliss indeed.


Video by Jeff Gauger

More joy at these links

How to Eat Peanut M&M’s

A jughead indulges

Joy on My Doorstep

‘Eat me now!’ the M&M’s squeal

Cue villain music

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  1. Nancy Grush Nancy Grush

    Loved it. You have a nice setup there to satisfy your love for M&M peanuts!

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