Think of 30-Second Read as a snack for the mind. The name is a pledge – that each essay we publish, like the text you’re reading now, is 180 words short. That’s long enough to deliver a thoughtful morsel, short enough to require only the briefest of detours in a busy day. Who can’t spare 30 seconds here or there?
Jeff Gauger began writing 30-Second Read essays in 2018 while working as a newspaper editor. After leaving that job, he created to keep at it. Emily Toth joined him, then Thomas Gunning. More than a dozen others followed. More are welcome.
The 30-Second Read essays vary widely. They’re serious or funny, thought-provoking or silly. They’re tiny essays and reflections, gentle exhortations, pulpit-pounding rants, word doodles, allegories, observations about human quirkiness, and true tales and tall tales. We publish one or two each week.
About the length, which often prompts head scratching. Why exactly 180 words? To keep the columns short. Writers are windy creatures. Without a limit, they’d go on and on. 30-Second Read has solved that problem. You’re welcome.
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