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Governors behaving badly

Children are known for asking silly or profound “Why?” questions.

Why does the sun shine but not burn us up? Why does butter melt? When does butter not melt in your mouth? What does it mean to put something where the sun don’t shine?

I wonder why cows are said to be stupid. They get free sex, room and board. They can moo all day, every day.

As for the sun. Consider the son of Mario Cuomo, known as a thoughtful politician. And then his rude son, a grabber and groper, just dethroned.

Half a dozen other New York governors have disqualified themselves for, um, illegal or improper use of hands. They were regular customers at dens of ill repute. They were registered members of sex rings. One of them dropped dead in his lady friend’s bed.

Maybe this used to be routine for politicians. Governors in Louisiana, my state, have been known for raunchy deeds and braggadocio. But they rarely get kicked out of office.

Is it better to be a Louisiana cow or a New York governor? Discuss.

Who’s your state’s governor?

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