Our acceptance of mass shootings is a stain on our national culture. It reflects what we value most. And what we value most is not human life.
Because what we value most is the Gospel of the Second Amendment – 27 words adopted 231 years ago, when the best firearms limited malevolent yahoos with poor impulse control to two or three shots per minute.
What else do we value most? Gauzy invocations to liberty, which is brazen code for “camo up and fire.”
Just shoot. Shoot that latter-day King George III called the U.S. government. Shoot those uppity little folks nipping at the entitled crowd’s privileges. Shoot!
The Second Amendment is our holy writ and our altar of liberties. The rest of the U.S. Constitution is but a file cabinet to house No. 2.
Of course people get shot. They’re the price of Second Amendment worship. Guts and blood splattered across an elementary school classroom. Brains spilling from shattered skulls in a bank conference room.
Count them, the body bags. Please. They wrap the thousands of humans we didn’t value most.
More from the soapbox
Have you read the Constitution?
Words fail when you’ve captured the madness so accurately. Thanks, Jeff.